Please contact Jenny Blaker, Outreach Coordinator and Media Contact with any media questions. Phone: 707-792 4422.

Please Note:
Most of the links to the Community Voice website below do work, but some of the older ones do not. In this case, please access the files in the pdf format (requires adobe acrobat reader). Apologies for any inconvenience.
Inside/Outside Nature Education Series
The following articles were published in our monthly column in the Community Voice newspaper. Many were written in conjunction with our Inside/Outside Nature Education series, of presentations (mostly in the fall and winter) and guided walks, bike rides and field trips (mostly in the spring and summer). Others include individuals’ experiences and reflections, all related in some way to Cotati Creek Critters and/or the southern Laguna watershed.
Hopi teach how water is life (pdf), By Andy Roth, October 4, 2013
Outdoor education at Thomas Page (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, September 13, 2013
Curbing our dependence on petroleum is a must (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, August 2, 2013
Mulch: What is it? Why use it? How do you use it? (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, June 14, 2013
Baseline shifts prove tough to read (pdf), By Andy Lee Roth, May 10, 2013
Creating wildflower garden can help with pest control (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, April 5, 2013
Reduce nutrient runoff by knowing your soil (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, March 8, 2013
SCWA will continue Cotati Creek Critters work in laguna (pdf), By Keenan Foster, February 1, 2013
It's transition time for Cotati Creek Critters (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, January 4, 2013
How cat owners can help save the sea otter (pdf), By Elspeth Wood, December 7, 2012
Opportunities to get to know the Laguna (pdf), By Christine Fontaine, November 2, 2012
The surprising headwaters of Laguna de Santa Rosa (pdf), By Michael Knappman, October 5, 2012
What are native, non-native and invasive plants? (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, September 9, 2012
Laundry to landscape – grey water has a place (pdf), By Erin Axelrod, August 3, 2012
Pet waste a threat to humans (pdf), By Suzanne Sargent, July 6, 2012
The bright sun's always the star of the show (pdf), By Joseph Brockhoff, May 31, 2012
Plastic never really goes away (pdf), By Jenny Blaker and Stuart Moody, May 3, 2012
Jamming with nature (pdf), By Joseph Brockhoff, April 5, 2012
In truth, there’s no such thing as ‘wastewater’ on this planet (pdf), By Denise Cadman, March 1, 2012
Native plants for streamside gardens (pdf), By Walter Earle, February 2, 2012
Past, present and future of Laguna de Santa Rosa (pdf), By Denise Cadman, January 5, 2012
Students for Sustainability offers opportunities (pdf), By Jacob Paradise, December 1, 2011
What is restoration, anyway? (pdf), By Laura Watt, November 3, 2011
A sense of place implies connection (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, October 6, 2011
The changing landscape of the Laguna in Cotati since 1953 (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, September 1, 2011
Environmental justice protects our planet (pdf), By Andy Lee Roth, August 4, 2011
Still taking them to school (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, June 23, 2011
The forest at your feet (pdf), By Wade Belew, June 3, 2011
The making of the Laguna de Santa Rosa (pdf), By Jane Nielson, May 6, 2011
The fungus among us (pdf), By Christopher Harrod, April 7, 2011
The headwaters of the Laguna in 1823 (pdf), By Arthur Dawson, March 10, 2011
Laguna Wetlands recognized by international panel (pdf), By Hattie Brown, February 4, 2011
Critters team up with Conservation Corps (pdf), January 6, 2011
Try a locally grown Douglas for Christmas (pdf), By Daniel Goulart, December 3, 2010
Fall comes to our native plants (pdf), By Daniel Goulart, November 4, 2010
Trash pickup extends beyond local interests (pdf), By Jenny Blaker, October 1, 2010
Native plants abound in Cotati's waterways (pdf), By Daniel Goulart, September 2, 2010
Sonoma State University and Cotati Creek Critters: A model collaboration (pdf), By Merith Weisman, August 12, 2010
Saturday at the Laguna with CCC (pdf), By Phebe Hong, July 8, 2010
Cotati Creek Critters intern's viewpoint (pdf), By Stevi Sprengle, May 27, 2010
Getting outdoors with your preschooler (pdf), By Stephanie Derammelaere, April 29, 2010
Essential living: be-ing rooted in place (pdf), By Cathie Haynes, April 1, 2010
Topsoil: The Earth's Unsung Hero (pdf), By Patrick Picard, Owner of Equinox Landscape, February 25, 2010
Is economic growth possible? Desirable? Sustainable? (pdf), By Bruce Macpherson and Jenny Blaker, January 28, 2010
Discover the importance of wetlands (pdf), By Gerald Moor and Jenny Blaker , January 7, 2010
Thinking beyond the bird feeder (pdf), By Liska Arata, December 7, 2009
California's unique place in the world of biodiversity (pdf), By Wade Belew, November 5, 2009
SSU and zoos team up to bring back turtle population (pdf), By Dr. Nick Geist, August 27, 2009
Cotati Critters offer lecture on ‘going green’ (pdf) On August 1, 2009, speaker and author Laurel Marcus gave away free copies of her book The House & Garden Audit: Protecting Your Family's Health and Improving the Environment - a guidebook to reducing your impacts on the environment. Free copies are available from The City of Cotati's Planning Department (August, 2009) or from Jenny Blaker or from Laurel Marcus at See Updated and Corrected Internet Sites & Resources for an updated resource list.
California grasslands and birds, by Lishka Arata, May 1, 2009 (pdf)
Exploring the byways, bikeways and habitat of the Southern Laguna Watershed, by Jenny Blaker, March 27, 2009 (pdf)
The strange and murky world of water policy, by Jake Mackenzie, February 27, 2009 (pdf)
Oaks: Biology and significance, by Steve Barnhart, January 30, 2009 (pdf)
Plastics: Convenient or deadly? by Stuart Moody, January 2, 2009 (pdf)
Urban streams: Balancing humans and habitat, by Keenan Foster, November 26, 2008 (pdf)
Ode to California's native grasslands, by Wade Belew, November 7, 2008 (pdf)
Wild animals abound on Alpha Farm, by Denise Cadman, August 29, 2008 (pdf)
The plant communities of Sonoma County at the Pepperwood Preserve, by Greg Damron,
July 25, 2008 (pdf)
Cotati Creek Critters: A three year retrospective, by Jenny Blaker, May 30, 2008 (pdf)
Restoring the tools of restoration, by Wade Belew, May 2, 2008 (pdf)
Earth Day trash pick up Sunday in Cotati, by Jenny Blaker, April 21, 2008 (pdf)
Feathers really do make the bird, by John Dell'Osso, March 27, 2008 (pdf)
Water, politics and power, by Andrew Roth, February 22, 2008 (pdf)
Cotati was once on the ocean floor, by Rolfe Erickson, February 4, 2008 (pdf)
Bird Monitoring - science in your own backyard, by John Dell'Osso, December 27, 2007 (pdf)
The Plight of the pond turtle, by Dr. Nick Geist, November 29, 2007 (pdf)
Habitat Gardening with California Native Plants, by Phil Van Soelen, November 2, 2007 (pdf)
Native Grasses: The Misunderstood and Undervalued Understory, by Jeanne Wirka, September 21, 2007 (pdf)
The Incredible World of Insects in Our Back Yard, by Frederique Lavoipierre, September 7, 2007 (pdf)
What Happens to Wastewater?, August 3, 2007 (pdf)
Exploration and Reconnaissance of Future Trails, by Joe Honton, June 29, 2007 (pdf)
Exploring the Laguna de Santa Rosa, by Jenny Blaker, June 1, 2007 (pdf)
Birds of Cotati, by John DellOsso: John DellOsso led a walk on Birds of Cotati, May 6, 2007. (pdf)
Flavors of Home, by Autumn Summers: Autumn Summers led a walk on plants and their uses, April 2, 2007. (pdf)
Local Native American Relationships with the Land, by Jenny Blaker (pdf)
Cotati Meeting Feb. 5 on Wastewater Treatments, by Denise Cadman. Denise gave a presentation at the Community Recreation Center, Feb. 5, 2007. (pdf)
Dazzling Dragonflies of the Laguna, by Kathy Biggs November 1, 2006 (pdf)
Amphibians of Sonoma County, by Jenny Blaker October 27, 2006 (pdf)
Gardening with Native Plants, by Liz Parsons Oct. 2, 2006 (pdf)
Other articles published in the Community Voice: Cleaning the creek (pdf), (photo), October 22, 2011
Local environmental restoration organizations collaborate on climate change By Wade Belew November 5, 2009 ( pdf)
Critters celebrating ecology and collaboration with open house, by Jenny Blaker October 27, 2009 (pdf)
Cotati Creek Critters celebrate a milestone, by Heidi Bailey October 8, 2009 (pdf)
The change starts here: Cotati's Jenny Blaker saving the environment one creek at a time, by Heidi Bailey, March 27, 2009 (pdf)
Fall trash pick-up to become annual event, October 24, 2008 (pdf)
Creek stewardship includes trash pick-up, by Jenny Blaker, October 3, 2008 (pdf)
Cotati Creek Critters' Blaker Citizen of the Year, by Nicolas Grizzle, February 4, 2008 (pdf)
Russian River 'First Flush' shows what's hidden in the water we drink, by Kate Symonds, November 16, 2007 (pdf)
Diazinon no longer for your lawn, by Betti Lambro, November 16, 2007 (pdf)
Be more than just a 'green' consumer, by Andrew L. Roth, October 12, 2007 (pdf)
A new project underfoot: Cotati Creek Critters begin planting native grasses, by Betti Lambro September 28, 2007 (pdf)
After 18 years, Laguna lovers convene once again, by Betti Faust April 6, 2007 (pdf)
An article about the Laguna Foundation’s 2007 Conference on the State of the Laguna
Planting the seeds of stewardship, by Betti Faust March 30, 2007 (pdf)
An article about Acorn Soupe, an environmental organization which has worked with Cotati Creek Critters.
Sonoma County nonprofit Circuit Rider Productions supplies Cotati Creek Critters with native plants, by Betti Faust March 2, 2007 (pdf)
An article about Circuit Riders which has supplied CCC with plants.
Cotati Creek Critters update, by Jenny Blaker September 29, 2006 (pdf)
Earth Day really is every day for Cotati Creek Critters, by Nicolas Grizzle May 2, 2006 (pdf)
Water is life, and the Cotati Creek Critters are ensuring high water quality, by Jenny Blaker December 29, 2006 (pdf)
Why Watersheds? (pdf)
Wade Belew’s response to an editorial in the Community Voice regarding the newly erected watershed designation signs.
Restoring a crucial creek (pdf), by Martin Espinoza, January 9 , 2011
Cotati Creek Cleanup Planned , by Jeremy Hay, January 6, 2011
A day of service, (pdf) by Rayne Wolfe, January 20, 2009
- also see the associated photo slide show!
Up a creek and lovin' it: Volunteers with cotati creek critters restore habitat, educate public, (pdf)by Rayne Wolfe, April 22, 2007
Volunteerism Keeps Laguna de Santa Rosa Flourishing in Rohnert Park and Cotati (pdf), by Angela Hart, March 13, 2011